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OK, so far no one actually has frequently asked me any questions. Until that happens, this is my perceived FAQ:

Who are you?
Mike Walker

Why are you important?
Not sure that I am. I'm just a guy that enjoys music.

What bands are you in?
the only band I've been in that's still active, a term used loosely, is Royal Ruckus, a happy-go-lucky alternative/hip-hop music group that's been around since 1998 and is still hoping to release some new jams before officially calling it "done". Buy our records on here and here

What bands were you in?
Bakersfield, CA based band The Promenade - Drums, keyboard, sound effects, vocals, ideas, imagination
Nashville, TN based death comesto matteson (name changed to The New Depression) - Drums, background vocals. Buy the album at!

of course -

Sure -

a high quality (320vbr MP3, FLAC, Ogg, AAC etc) of my 2005 album Empty Talker is available at
I've released (i.e. burned CD-Rs of music I recorded on my computer) three other albums previous to Empty Talker. I don't know that they're all that great but I may touch them up and throw them online at some point.

Where do you hang out online?
I get most of my giggles and sensationalism from I enjoy the websites LifeHacker, Consumerist, BoingBoing, Make Magazine, Americas Test Kitchen,

anything I missed?
talk to me on Twitter or FaceBook.