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There's a song in the forest 
there's a song in the trees 
there's a song in the middle of the sky 
there's a song with your friends 
there's a song that never ends 
there a song in this room with you and I

There's a light...
There's a warmth...

Today's tune is a little folk-hymn that I wrote. Sure it probably sounds like something you've already heard and it's subject is pretty vague but sometimes that's just the kind of hymn you need to sing while looking out of your kitchen window with a cup of coffee after a morning prayer.

Tell me your comments via twitter or facebook
What kind of music would you call this? Vocal harmonies, guitar, banjo, and electric piano. I can't quite pin down the influence but there's absolutely nothing new about it's sound. Fleet Foxes are doing well with this sound (and with much more talent, for sure) but I digress.

Your fingers get stiff when it gets this cold
The mittens don't care if you want to

follow him down to the creek
paddle your way with the wind
Take a long a walk with your feet

Get lost in your own little backyard
your face is always welcome in your town
Today I squeezed in a moment to whip this song out that was inspired by a similar tune by Houses called "Soak It Up". Check it out here

Please share this with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and anywhere else good music is shared. Downloads are fifty-nine cents so it doesn't even hurt to keep a copy for yourself to listen to offline.


The hour-songs, or as I'm going to start calling them "Songs-in-an-hour", has been great even with the few that have been released. Until I decide otherwise, I'm going to start a release schedule of Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. That gives me time to figure out when I can squeeze in a song-in-an-hour with my work and family schedule. The songs will still be written and recorded in an hour but they won't be available until it's time on the M/W/F pattern.

So what do you think about that? Give us all something to look forward to?
